Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This floor is suppose to be all white (like the right side of this photo). I spent 3 hours cleaning it, but it finally looks amazing!

 Little Brutus enjoying the big yard.

 This will be John's office. This room use to be dark purple with lilac trim. It was cute for a little girls room.
 This is my friend Katie ripping up the carpet so we can easily paint the whole base board.
 This will be my craft room.

 I spilled the paint.

 John and I were having trouble picking out a color for our bedroom. I kept picking out browns which looked like poop smeared on the wall.

 We decided to go with this blue, it's called moonlight pool, with gray trim.
 Our room looks creepy right now.

 Someone is a fan of the bed in the middle of the den.
 This is what the floor is suppose to look like.


  1. This is so much fun! Almost like being there! I wish we were there to help!

    Mom & Dad

  2. What you did to the tile floor is beautiful. All that hard work paid off! Lilly doesn't look too interested!

  3. Enjoyed your blog! We are so glad you were able to get it set up. We are looking forward to watching the progress! You will appreciate your home more, having done some of the work yourself! It'll be lovely! Have fun!!!!!

    Love, Mom & Dad
